
The documents below are a collection of resolutions, working papers, position papers and other documents from conferences BathMUN has attended. Please note that they may not reflect the final outcome of that committee or conference but should act as a good guide for what these documents should contain and reference points for any documents you may put together.

Rules of Procedure

BathMUN operates under the LIMUN Rules of Procedure unless specified otherwise, these determine the rules of the debate, and how we reach our resolution at the end. They can be found here.


Resolutions are final documents that have been passed by the committee at the end of a training session or conference, this means that have achieved support of over 50% of delegates present, or in the case of a UN Security Council debate, 9 of 15 members. Some exmaples are listed below.

Internal Debates

Combating Cyberterrorism - Internal Debate


The Outcome of Copenhagen - UNEP - CUIMUN 2010


The Promotion of New and Renewable Sources of Energy (v1.3) - ECOFIN - NottsMUN 2009


Situation of Human Rights in Honduras Since the Coup d'Etat of 28 June 2009 - HRC - BathMUN


The Situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran - UNSC - BathMUN

On the Continuing Situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo - UNSC - ScotMUN (1.2)


Working Papers

Working papers are were ideas and solutions are drafted and worked out between delegates during a session or conference. Working papers often garned the support of a group of nations, who hope to take it to the next stage and submit it as a draft resolution, if they believe it has the support neccessary to pass a final vote.


The Situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran - UNSC - BathMUN (China 1.1)

The Situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran - UNSC - BathMUN (Russia 1.2)

On the Continuing Situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo - UNSC - ScotMUN (Nigeria & Turkey 1.3)

On the Continuing Situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo - UNSC - ScotMUN (Brazil 1.2)


The Outcome of Copenhagen - UNEP - CUIMUN (China 3.1)


Protection of Human Rights in Areas of Regional and Ethnic Conflict - HRC - BathMUN (France & Bahrain 2.1)

Situation of Human Rights in Honduras Since the Coup d'Etat of 28 June 2009 - HRC - BathMUN (Norway 1.2)

Situation of Human Rights in Honduras Since the Coup d'Etat of 28 June 2009 - HRC - BathMUN (France 1.1)