Participating in activities involves an element of risk and the SU needs to ensure that events are as safe as possible, especially when the event involves food. There are a variety of guidelines you will need to ensure you have followed to mitigate any likelihood of food poisoning, allergic reactions and other such risks.
Below you will find the support documents to help you put into place the requirements that are needed to keep you and your fellow students safe.
Food Risk Assessments
If you are hosting an event that involves food, it is important that you complete a food risk assessment. If you're not sure how to complete a risk assessment, you can look at the Health and Safety training available from the SU. We've also got a template for you to use to help you get started. You might need to enroll yourself in the SU Training Hub to access the Health and Safety Training, and you can do this on Moodle.
Food Safety Risk Assessment
Health and Safety Training
Enroll in the SU Training Hub
Registering for Regular Events
If you hold regular food events - that is more than twice per semester - your group will need to register as a food business with the local authority. It is recommended that you register over the summer so you can get everything in order before the year starts. You can contact the Societies Team for assistance with this.
Find out more on
Food Safety Training
It is advisable for students leading food events to complete the online food safety course titled ‘Health and Safety in a Food Environment’. The Societies Team can give you access to this online course and we recommend doing this over the summer so you're ready for the start of the year.
Food Safety Downloadable Forms and Guides
Find downloadable forms and guides to help you with food safety on the Health and Safety page.
Health and Safety page