Committee Members 2024/25


Alex Pooley is the Chair of the club this year. Alex will be in charge of the club's general running and BUCS teams and their fixtures ensuring that all competitive matches run smoothly. Alex is completing his final year of Chemical Engineering.

Contact Alex @

Vice Chair

Thomas Timmons is the Vice Chair of the club this year. Tim will be carrying the club this year while bowing to the wishes of the Chair. Tim is currently having a bash at his final year of Computer Science. 

Contact Tim @


Henry Barton-Smith is the Treasurer of the club this year. Henry will be in charge of funding, coaching, membership fees and equipment costs. Henry is completing a degree in Politics with a side helping in economics. 

Contact Henry @

Club Development Officer

Jamie Davidson is the Club Development Officer (CDO) for this year. Jamie will be in charge of the long term development of the club as well as general management of the clubs recreational side including wednesday club nights and managing the clubs internal team league. Jamie is studying Mechanical Engineering. 

Contact Jamie @

Team Captains

Anson Wong and Amelie Turpin will be your Men's and Women's team captains respectively. They willl be responsible for managing all aspects relating to competitive play from selecting the teams, selecting captains, and scheduling matches. Amelie Turpin is studying Mathematics and Anson Wong is supposed to attend International Development lectures.

Contact Amalie @ and Anson @

Welfare and Inclusivity Officer

Ollie Beaumont is the Welfare and Inclusivity Officer for this year. Oliver will be ensuring that there is no segregation in the Club between team and recreational players to create a friendly atmosphere. Oliver is completing his set of match attax.

Contact Oliver @

Social Media Secretary

Lily Jackson is the Social Media Secretary for this year. Lily will be managing the club's online brand and making sure that everyone stays informed of events of past, present, and future. Lily is studying Physics.

Contact Lily @

Social Secretaries

Charlotte and TBD are the social secretaries for the club this year. They will be organising nights out both in Bath and on campus. The socials are for everyone in the club and NOT just the team members. Between pints of the non-alcoholic variety, Charlotte studies Architecture and Civil Engineering(?)

Contact Charlotte @

If you are interested in this role then email with your manifesto of what you would bring to the club and any plans you have for the socials. Hope to hear from you.


We hope to get to know all of you so please come and introduce yourselves on socials and at club night.

Squove (squash love) x