Executive Committee

Meet your elected SU Sport Exec Team

The SU Sport Executive Committee is elected by all club members every year and supports the Officer to make all students' sport experience the best it can be. They are some of the most committed, hard-working and knowledgeable volunteers that The SU has!

Each Exec member has their own remit, from event support for thousands of people (like Snowball and Varsity), to recreational sport and performance strategy.

Thinking about running? Here's some things you should know! 

  • You get what you put in to any role, if you're committed to driving change and making your views heard - this is the committee for you!
  • Some exec members also hold other committee positions. This doesn't mean you have to, but it is possible!
  • Some members of exec have never been on a committee before, so don't let that put you off!
  • If you have any questions, speak to the Chair or the Sport Officer susport@bath.ac.uk

Check out each exec member below to find out more about their role.

 Sports Officer page here

General responsibilities of all roles: 


  • Attends meetings as regular as the chair and Sport Officer feel necessary.
  • Contributes to the meeting agenda and discussion from their area.
  • Attends and supports Varsity, Sports Day and any other events needing support.
  • Gives support at (at least) one snowball night
  • Attends committee workshops.
  • Reports back to SU Sport from information with what the students want from their membership.
  • Aids with decisions such as the addition/removal of clubs, Kit tender etc.
  • Works with each other, and the sport staff to add value to the sport offer.

Chair-Angus Gueterbock

 Co-Chairs all meetings alongside the Sport Officer, of the SU Sport Executive   Committee.

  1. Works with Sport Officer and SU Sport staff to ensure the full and efficient functioning of the Executive Committee.
  2. Works with the other SU Sport Executive Committee Members to help aid their roles and events.
  3. Ensures a high standard of communication is held within the executive group, obtaining agenda items from other members, and calling meetings outside of the schedule if necessary.
  4. Delivers committee workshops alongside the Sport Officer, delivering at least one individually.
  5. Assists Sport Officer with tasks related to the functioning of SU Sport,
  6. General Exec decisions such as the addition/removal of clubs, attendance and support of events like Sports Day and Varsity, etc.
  7. Works closely with the committees and sport members to help improve the students experience of sport.


Treasurer- Sam Dean & Anna Pretorius


  1. Is a signatory for SU Sport and club expenditure, up to limits set by The SU.
  2. Checks that club spending is in line with agreed income and expenditure.
  3. Checks and signs off finance forms within payment deadlines.
  4. Ensures that all forms have been authorised correctly.
  5. Authorises payments through Expense365 app.
  6. Man’s the exec treasures email within term time, attending the Edge office once a week to check in with the Sport Officer and Team, and sign off club expenditures.
  7. Be alert and knowledgeable of SU and club finances, as well as financial policy when approving finances.
  8. Attends SU finance training and runs their own Committee workshop at the start of the year on finances.
  9. Reports back to the Sport Officer on clubs needs for additional funds

Two Treasurers are elected to the Sports Exec committee each year.

Media and Marketing Officer- Elden Ting & Ffion Owen

  1. Gathers reports, videos and photos from all sports clubs at all levels of participation.
  2. Produces photo and video promotional material for SU sport events, for TikTok and Instagram.
  3. Liaises with student media, Exec Marketing officer and SU Marketing to ensure the publication of sporting achievements and events.
  4. Holds responsibility for the SU Sport Instagram page, reposting relevant club achievements.
  5. Scouts’ athlete achievements and celebrates on the Instagram.
  6. Makes decision on Team of the Week and posts on Instagram.
  7. Writes fortnightly blogs on clubs’ achievements and BUCS results.
  8. Creates the weekly BUCS home fixture lists for Instagram.
  9. Ensures that the SU Sport Instagram page is active with content and ‘club takeovers.
  10. Attends BUCS Nationals, Big BUCS Wednesday and BUCS Conference Cup to capture content (subject to availability).
  11. Delivers a committee workshop on Media.
  12. Two Officers are elected to the Sports Exec committee each year.

Events Co-ordinator- Kevin Ciobanu

  1. Works with SU Sport staff to assist with major events run by SU Sport, such as Varsity.
  2. Plans event dates to suit the academic year and other events.
  3. Coordinates volunteers and ensures events run smoothly.
  4. Publicises events alongside the Media and Marketing Officer.
  5. Aid’s clubs to run their own events.
  6. Creates at least one recreational sport event for the year.
  7. Reviews all events to improve processes and execution the following year.

Welfare and Inclusivity Officer- Shannon Jarratt

  1. Leads on campaigns related to mental health and welfare in sport and contacts other university departments who are running campaigns in order to publicise them within SU Sport
  2. Supports club Welfare and Inclusivity officers with initiatives regarding mental health, welfare and inclusion.
  3. Promotes mental health peer support training to club members.
  4. Attends SU Diversity and Support (D&S) Exec at least once per semester to liaise on emerging issues in mental health and disability awareness.
  5. Provides a sport link to welfare related societies (Nightline and Student minds)
  6. Attends welfare training for committee members.
  7. Leads on the exercise buddy’s scheme.
  8. Leads on the SU Disability Sport Day
  9. Develops awareness of the underrepresented groups in sport and work with relevant stakeholders to improve representation.
  10. Works with the Sport Officer to promote awareness months within sport.

Performance Sport Officer- Sam France

  1. Liaises with and represents performance athletes in executive meetings.
  2. Promotes Performance Athletes on social media alongside Marketing Officer.
  3. Encourages increased engagement from the wider student body in BUCS home games and other student sports events.
  4. Sits on Blues Committee.
  5. Works with the sports department and Performance Sport Officer to implement SU perspective into performance sport.
  6. Leads on showcase events/days for clubs such as club double headers.

Volunteer Recognition Co-ordinator - Emily Mcmanus

  1. Leads on the Sports Volunteer Recognition Scheme and liaises with SU Sport club committees to ensure their volunteers apply for the Sports VRS
  2. Publicise and process applications to the Sports VRS alongside SU staff.
  3. Collect applications for Volunteer of the Week and feedback to SU Volunteers to nominate them for the award.
  4. Highlights community and University-based volunteering opportunities to sports clubs.
  5. Supports clubs in their development of volunteers.
  6. Promotes the coach education subsidy to clubs to increase the number of volunteers available.
  7. Creates and leads on courses available for students to gain experience to volunteer as a coach, first aid etc.

Recreational Co-ordinator - Afza Hussain

  1. Works with SU staff to aid the delivery of Bath Active, encouraging club involvement and delivering sessions themselves.
  2. Organises Recreational inter-halls tournaments throughout the year.
  3. Works with SU Sport and University Sports Department on the delivery of external programmes.
  4. Represents the Bath Activators in Exec committee meetings.
  5. Works and liaise with clubs to increase their recreational offer.