Activities Executive Committee

The Activities Exec are an elected body who work with the Activities Officer to represent the voices of societies and volunteering groups to; The SU, the University and the wider community.

The Activities Executive Committee is elected annually to support our Activities Officer, and help all societies and volunteering groups become the best they can be! The team meets twice a month to discuss funding, student feedback, areas of improvement, events and loads more.

Want to know more about being on the Exec? Have a chat with one of us! We're really excited to start the new year and start working with you and your groups.


Giorgio Barbacci Schettino

Executive Treasurer

Hello, everyone. I’m Giorgio Barbacci Schettino, currently serving as the Activities Executive Treasurer at SU Bath. I come from Italy but have lived in the UK for the past four years. I am currently a third-year Bachelor of Science student in Economics at the University of Bath, and I’m on track to graduate in 2025...
My motivation for pursuing this role is deeply rooted in a desire to gain more hands-on experience in financial management and to apply my background and skills to a position with greater responsibilities. Beyond my academic commitments, I have been actively involved in the BathMUN Society as Treasurer since May 2023. In this role, I raised over £6000 in funding for the BathMUN conference, significantly contributing to the event’s financial success. I’ve also advised on and implemented financial strategies to optimise the organisation’s financial health and sustainability, overseeing financial transactions and maintaining accurate financial records to ensure transparency and accountability. I’m passionate about finance and committed to effective financial management. I always aim to contribute to the financial health and success of the organizations I’m involved with. lived in 4 different countries and I am passionate about making meaningful connections with people around the world.

Hitanshi Nirmal Kumar Jain

Executive Treasurer

Hi, my name is Hitanshi. I'm currently a second-year undergraduate Management student. My first year at the University of Bath was an enriching experience, where I familiarized myself with the University and Student Union (SU) operations....
I became actively involved as a V Team Project Leader and a Student Ambassador, gaining invaluable insights and skills from my seniors. This journey has significantly enhanced my capabilities, and I’m eager to continue growing and contributing to our university community.
I applied for the Treasurer position in because I’m eager to contribute my financial skills by overseeing the finances, ensuring transparency, and helping to achieve our financial goals through responsible and effective stewardship. The Role would also increase my financial skills.

Sam Ellis Hunt

Arts Liaison

Hello! My name is Sam, a final year German and Politics student and I’m looking forward to being your Arts Liaison for this year! I enjoy languages, travelling, FIKA (basically coffee and pastries) and last year had the incredible opportunity to live in the Austrian mountains!...
Over the last few years, I’ve had the pleasure of being a member of and working closely with Arts Societies in this role, so after coming back from placement I wanted to continue collaborating with groups across the SU. I really want to keep open dialogues with societies and see how we can improve the student art offering at Bath - if you have ideas or suggestions, then please do get in touch!

Shourya Gupta

Volunteer and Fundraising Liaison

Hi, I’m Shourya, a final year Management with Marketing student with a passion for Formula One, music, and travelling. I decided to go for the role of Volunteer and Fundraising Liaison because I believe in the power of community and want to create more opportunities for students to give back and make a real impact....
I'm also part of the Enactus Society and have been involved in volunteering since my first year. I first held this role in 2022 before going on placement, and now I’m back and excited to continue supporting our 7 student-led societies and bringing fresh ideas to fundraising efforts. If you have any ideas or suggestions, then please do get in touch—I’d love to hear from you!

Aparna Kunnanamkath

Development Lead

Angelica Reyes Cacares

Politics and Activism Lead