Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of an ISB Trip?

This one is for all you optimists:

  • Better weather - Remember the two or three sunny days on a winter ski trip?  During ISB it is like that all week long (fingers crossed)!
  • Longer days - Start earlier, finish later; shred the piste in the morning and stay at après until the early evening all under the glorious sun.
  • With other uni groups heading out at the same time, we can work together and get bigger and better acts to make the trip all the more enjoyable and mermorable!

We are looking forward to seeing you all with your sunnies on, dancing on a table at an après bar!

How do I sign up for trip?

The trip will go on sale 14th October 2024. All members will get an e-mail closer to the date about exactly how and where to book on to the trip. We will also keep you informed via our socail media accounts. Last year the trip sold out in a university group record time of only a few minutes! So make sure you join the club, watch for our e-mails and be quick on your phones!

Do I need to be a member of Snowsports to go on the trip?

Yes you do.

You need to have a Bath Snowsports membership, or trip membership, to attend and travel on the trip. This is a mandatory requirement made by the SU for your own safety, regarding insurance purposes. If you only want to go on trip and miss out on our training, socials and other trips then you will only need to pay the trip membership. However, it is highly reccomended that you purchase the membership fee so you never miss out on our snowy antics. 

Those who have not paid either SU Bath Snowsports membership fee or trip membership fee will not be allowed to get onto the coach either at the Bath uni campus or at the airport. In addition, you will not receive your damage deposit back from Wasteland Travel.

Are you guys actually a real sports club?

While we may be known best for our legendary ski trip and equally epic socials, we do have a serious side.

We attend a large number of racing and freestyle competitions throughout the year. Unlike a lot of other sports competitions, there's a good mix of serious and casual feeling at all events. This caters for everyone, including spectators, who very often enjoy the day more than those competing! Recently, we have had a highly successful year achieving: 

  • 1st place overall for Kings female western league
  • 2nd place overall for Kings western league 
  • 1st and 9th female overall at the regional British University Indoor Ski Championships (BUISC)
  • 6th place mixed team at Kings western league
  • 1st place in snowboarding and 5 top 10 finishes at the British University Dryslope Championships (BUDS)

On top of this, we have weekly training sessions at which you can practice everything from slalom racing to your rodeo 540s. Whether you have a bit of a competitive streak or just fancy a relaxing ski, you'll find a place with us. 

Where can I find out more information about the trip?

We would strongly recommend looking through our instagram and the link-in-bio there, where most information will be posted/linked.
Beyond this, the best way to get your question answered is to message the Instagram, where one of the committee members will respond as soon as possible. Alternatively, send your question to our e-mail address: However, if you're fortunate enough to meet one of the many friendly committee members in person, feel free to ask them anything snowsports related, however be warned they are incredibly passionate about the trip and club.

Should I sign up to the trip straight away when it goes on sale? How long does it take to sell out normally?

Yes you should! Last year, all 1000 places were sold out in a record of only a few minutes. So, if you want a place, you need to get there quickly. You don't need to worry about who you'd like to share a room with just yet as room allocations and friendship groups will be arranged separately later on.

The trip has sold out but I really want to go, what can I do?

Don't panic, every year there's a few people who sign up but end up selling their places. Join our trip whatsapp group which is linked in the instagram bio, and keep checking it for people looking to sell their places. You can also book onto our waiting list where places might open up if we manage to secure a few extra beds!

Do we have to pay a deposit to sign up for the trip?

Yes, you will need to pay about £150 as a deposit when you sign up for the trip. The rest of the money needs to be paid before the trip, but can be paid in as many instalments as needed and you'll be given plenty of warning if you still haven't paid in full closer to the deadline. You can always pay it all at once if that's easier.

How much is hire on the trip?

There is a series of ski or board hire packages on offer, when prices are available, they will be posted on the instagram when the second stage of trip booking is released. Alternatively, if you have some of your own gear (just boots or just skis/board), there will be options available on the trip booking page to select our equipment carriage option. Please note that you will only be able to take one set of skis/board, with no option to take additional equipment. The reason for this is that, unfortunately, there just isn't the space underneath the coaches to accommodate more.

Can we choose who we share a room with on the trip?

Yes. Once everyone has booked onto the trip and paid their deposit, the committee in association with Wasteland Travel will contact you to proceed to the room allocations stage of the booking process. Room sizes vary from 2-10 people. Friendship groups will be set up for people who want to be in the same room or rooms near each other, whilst there will also be groups people can join if they don't know anyone else going on the trip yet for example beginners, freshers, or boarders. The committee will do their best to ensure everyone is happy with their room allocations.

If you have any more questions, please contact us via instagram or e-mail and come and talk to any committee members you see around campus (look out for the famous Bath Snowsports logo).