What we offer

  • A range of events - keep an eye on our Instagram and Whatsapp for what's coming up
  • Flexibility - come as little or as often as you would like!
  • If there's an event you'd like to see, contact our committee and we'll make it happen

Black History Month

Date and time: 17th October, 5.15-6.45pm

Location: Chancellor's Building 3.9

Event title: Ruqia Osman: Racism is a public health crisis

Details: ACS and the Race Equality Group's collaborative event for Black History Month! Bath alumni, Ruqia Osman, will present this self-reflective and interactive talk detailing her personal journey and examining how racism operates today from a public health and mental health perspective. 

Sign ups are free and there will be snacks and refreshments available!

Follow this link to sign up: https://www.thesubath.com/events/25980/19054/

Monthly support sessions

Dates, time and location TBC