PAL Schemes 2023/24

Find out more about your PAL sessions.

PAL sessions currently take place in the following courses. Check your timetable to find out when your sessions take place. 

Find out more about PAL

Not seeing your course? You can speak to the Peer Support team to see if it possible to introduce a PAL scheme in your department. 

Department PAL attendees PAL leaders Units covered

Chemical Engineering

first years second years Covers all units
second years third years
third years forth years and higher
Chemistry second years final years and higher Covers all units
Computer Science first years second years Covers all units


first years second years Covers all units
Pharmacy second years final years

Covers PA20322: Preparing for professional practice 2

Physics first years second years and higher Covers all units
Politics first years second years Covers all units
Psychology first years second years Covers all units
second years final years Covers all units