The SU

Role Model of the Year!

Role Model of the Year!

Congratulations to Blake Walker who has won Role Model of the Year at the 2024 Queer Student Awards.

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Blake - the first openly trans officer at The SU - was nominated for the many qualities they possess as an excellent role model for other students. Highlighted within the nomination was 2023’s Transgender Day of Remembrance vigil led by Blake, and the work they have done organising and running training for Bath’s Nightline volunteers on how to better support LGBTQ+ students. In the last academic year, they have created a Gender Expression Fund to support students in accessing gender affirming items and been the lead organiser for MOGoff, working with seven different SU groups to give a voice those affected by a now-former politician's rhetoric after he was invited to speak on campus by another society.

QSA said in their announcement of the winner: “Blake has worked hard to ensure students have access to resources which can help affirm their gender and creating safe spaces to allow conversation, being unapologetically themselves and inspiring others. Their efforts not only support their peers but also educate and inspire the entire university, making them a deserving recipient of this award.”

Blake Said "It was lovely to be recognised nationally for some of the work I have done over the last year. I am particularly proud of the successful launch of the gender expression fund, and I am grateful for the financial and operational support this has received from the University and the Students' Union. It has been an honour representing and advocating for students over the past few years and I can't wait to see what the incoming LGBT+ committee achieve over the next year!"

The Queer Student Awards are an annual celebration of talented young LGBTQ+ people in the UK who are proudly leading in their lives and the communities around them. Created in 2021, by ED&I consultant Steve Keith, the awards also recognise the work that allies, schools, colleges, universities, and employers are doing towards creating inclusive spaces that support and reassure them that their sexuality and gender identity will not act as a barrier to their future success. For more information on other winners, see QSA’s website.

To get involved with supporting LGBTQ+ students, join the LGBT+ Group.


Jean Dugale
1:10am on 2 Oct 24 Pentobarbital/Nembutal til selvmord og dødshjælp At erhverve Nembutal/Pentobarbital i Danmark: En omfattende guide Introduktion: Inden for valg af end-of-life-valg har Nembutal/Pentobarbital, også kendt som pentobarbital, fået betydelig opmærksomhed som en fredelig og værdig metode til assisteret selvmord eller frivillig dødshjælp. Selvom lovlighed og tilgængelighed kan variere på tværs af lande, dykker denne artikel ind i spørgsmålet om at erhverve Nembutal i Danmark. Vi undersøger de juridiske aspekter, priser og potentielle muligheder for dem, der overvejer dette endelige, personlige valg. Er Nembutal/Pentobarbital lovligt i Danmark? I Danmark er det essentielt at forstå lovligheden omkring Nembutal/Pentobarbital for informeret beslutningstagning. Det er vigtigt, at det er afgørende at understrege, at denne artikel kun er til informationsformål og ikke godkender eller tolererer ulovlige aktiviteter. Fra nu af forbyder Danmark fremstilling og distribution af Nembutal til ikke-medicinske formål i henhold til lovbekendtgørelsen om euforiserende stoffer. Navigering i mulighederne for at få Nembutal i Danmark: Selvom det kan være udfordrende at få Nembutal i Danmark, findes der forskellige muligheder for dem, der er fast besluttet på at udforske denne mulighed. Disse omfatter forbindelser gennem betroede læger, onlinekilder eller kontakt til specialiserede organisationer, der understøtter valg i livets afslutning. Husk dog, at personer bosiddende i Danmark skal forblive klar over de juridiske implikationer omkring erhvervelse og brug af Nembutal. Medicinske fagfolk: Vi har medicinske fagfolk, der er erfarne i pleje ved livets slut, og diskussioner kan være medvirkende til at forstå de tilgængelige muligheder. Disse eksperter kan give vejledning og støtte, give indsigt i alternativ palliativ behandling, psykologisk rådgivning eller veje til juridiske muligheder for end-of-life, der prioriterer patienters komfort og værdighed. Så vi sikrer, at vores produkter er i topklasse med diskret levering og vejledning . Online kilder: Internettet har revolutioneret adgangen til information og produkter; det er dog afgørende at udvise forsigtighed, når du udforsker onlinekilder til Nembutal. På grund af juridiske begrænsninger kan mange websteder foregive at sælge Nembutal, men der er en øget risiko for at støde på forfalskede produkter. Det er en fantastisk mulighed for os, da vi kun sælger førsteklasses farmaceutiske produkter, dette er for at garantere personlig sikkerhed, når du køber fra os online. Kvalitetskontrol er vores vigtigste opgave. Specialiserede organisationer: Visse organisationer er opstået over hele verden, dedikeret til at støtte individer, der søger valg ved deres end-of-life. Disse organisationer giver ofte information, ressourcer og, i nogle tilfælde, vejledning om lovlig og sikker adgang til Nembutal/Pentobarbital eller alternative muligheder. At udforske disse organisationer og de tjenester, de tilbyder, kan være en mere pålidelig vej til at opnå nøjagtige og lovlige oplysninger om Nembutal i Danmark. Adgang til disse organisationer er altid vanskeligt, hvilket gør det svært at udtrykkeligt opnå nembutal Pris: Det kan være indviklet at bestemme prisen på Nembutal/Pentobarbital i Danmark, da faktorer som tilgængelighed, juridiske begrænsninger og kvalitetskontrol spiller en væsentlig rolle. Priserne kan derfor svinge. Det anbefales på det kraftigste ikke at stole udelukkende på priser, når der skal træffes beslutninger om at erhverve Nembutal, da kvalitet og sikkerhed altid bør være de vigtigste bekymringer Konklusion: Emnet om at erhverve Nembutal/Pentobarbital i Danmark, som ofte er efterspurgt af personer, der søger autonomi i forhold til at træffe valg i livets afslutning, kræver nøje overvejelse. I betragtning af de forviklinger og lovligheder, der er omkring denne sag, er det afgørende for enkeltpersoner at navigere i de tilgængelige muligheder og samtidig sikre overholdelse af danske love. Husk, at søge professionel vejledning, udforske betroede organisationer og prioritering af personlig sikkerhed og kvalitetskontrol er afgørende skridt på denne rejse. Tilgå altid dette følsomme emne med respekt, empati og forståelse. Kontakt os på {}. Viden Jeg er 25 år eller ældre og bekræfter, at jeg er fuldt ud klar over, at de produkter, der sælges på denne side er kendt for at være meget dødelige. For forespørgsler om køb af pentobarbital natrium send en diskret mail til {
Jean Dugale
1:10am on 2 Oct 24 ?????? ?????????????, ???????? ?????????????,????????????? ??? ????????????, ????????? ??????????????, ????????????? ???????? , ????????????? ??? ????????????. ????????????? ?????? , ???????? ????????. ?????? ???????? ??????, ?????????????/???????? ????????? ????????? ? ??? ????????????? ????????, ????? ????????? ??? ?????????????, ???????????? ????? ????????-??????????, ??????? ????????? ??? ?????????? ??? ?????????? ????????. ? ???????? ?? ???????????? ? ???????? ?????????????? ??????? ?????????? ? ? ???????? ?????????? ?? ???????? ???????. ?????? ????????/????????????? ????? ??????? ??????????? ??? ???????? ??? ????????? ??? ???????? ?????? ? ???????????? ??-?? ???????? ??????????? ???? ? ?????????? ?????? ??????. ????? ????????, ??? ????????????? ?????????/?????????????? ??? ???? ????? ???????? ??????? ? ?????????? ?? ?????? ???????, ? ??? ????? ? ? ??????. ???????, ??????? ??????? ????????? ??? ??????? ?????????/?????????????? ? ?????? ??? ??????? ?????????/?????????????? 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Jean Dugale
1:09am on 2 Oct 24 [ ] comprar pentobarbital online sin receta Pentobarbital sódico precio sin receta compre Pentobarbital en [ ]. Ofrecemos soporte de primer nivel cuando compra Pentobarbital en línea. Calidad y discreción es lo que nos caracteriza. Los suplementos de eutanasia pueden ser difíciles de conseguir, generalmente se encuentran a través de organizaciones de eutanasia con productos de baja calidad. Sin embargo, nos hemos establecido como el proveedor líder de Nembutal o Pentobarbital y otros productos de eutanasia. Nuestra garantía está en la calidad de nuestros productos y la información brindada (contáctenos al [ ] Tenga la seguridad de que lo tenemos cubierto. Pase por la agonía de no saber dónde comprar Pentobarbital ya no es una preocupación para usted. Aquí es exactamente donde perteneces. Nuestro objetivo es ayudarlo con nuestra comprensión del dolor que usted y sus seres queridos están experimentando. estamos aquí para brindarle toda la asistencia que necesita. Cuando se trata de comprar Pentobarbital, la mayoría de la gente lo compra en línea a través de la asociación de eutanasia. Actualmente somos el proveedor número uno de productos de Nembutal y eutanasia en el mercado. La calidad es una garantía para nosotros. Cuando le suministramos Pentobarbital, también le proporcionamos información sobre el uso correcto del producto. Puede contar con nosotros. Ya no tiene que preocuparse por dónde comprar Nembutal en línea. Estás en el lugar indicado para realizar tu compra. Estamos para ayudarte, porque sabemos el sufrimiento que tú y tus familiares están pasando. En el pasado, el pentobarbital se usaba para la preparación de pastillas para dormir (1940-50), pero ya no, ya que el pentobarbital es letal en dosis altas. No comunicaremos sus datos a terceros. Mantenemos un estado de alta confidencialidad y operamos discretamente. Nota Mejor: Conciencia Tengo 25 años de edad o más y certifico completamente que soy consciente de que los productos vendidos en este sitio se sabe que son muy letales. Si tiene preguntas sobre la compra discreta de pentobarbital sódico, envíe un correo electrónico a [ ] por favor contáctenos con la siguiente información su edad altura peso gracias #NãoQueroMaisViver #DesistodaVida #SemEsperança #NembutalforSale #NembutalPreço #ComprarNembutal #ValorNembutal #OndeComprarNembutal #OndeComprarPentobarbital #BuyBarbituric #SuicídiosemDor #EutanásiaSemDor #Depressão #Depressivo #SoluçãoFinal #Depressian #Depressive #Ceva #NembutalCeva #NembutalComprimidos #NembutalCápsulas #NembutalPó
Jean Dugale
1:08am on 2 Oct 24 {}Commander du Nembutal/Pentobarbital solution buvable Le Nembutal, également connu sous le nom de pentobarbital, est un barbiturique qui a attiré l'attention dans le monde entier en raison de son utilisation pour l'euthanasie et les choix de fin de vie. Dans certains pays, dont la France, la disponibilité et l'accessibilité du Nembutal peuvent être une préoccupation pour ceux qui recherchent ce médicament à diverses fins. Cet article vise à fournir des informations vitales sur l'achat de Nembutal en France et à orienter les individus vers des sources fiables comme la nôtre qu'ils peuvent explorer. Statut juridique et réglementation La France a des réglementations strictes concernant l'utilisation et la distribution du Nembutal. Il est classé comme substance contrôlée en vertu de la loi sur les stupéfiants et les substances psychotropes. Par conséquent, acquérir légalement du Nembutal en France peut être difficile, en particulier pour les personnes sans ordonnance valide ou sans raison médicale justifiée. Nembutal Options d'achat en France Consultez un professionnel de la santé La première étape pour obtenir du Nembutal en France est de consulter un prestataire de soins de santé réputé. Expliquez votre situation clairement et honnêtement, en soulignant toute condition médicale sous-jacente pouvant justifier la nécessité de prendre du Nembutal. S'ils le jugent approprié et nécessaire, ils pourront peut-être vous prescrire du Nembutal ou vous orienter vers un spécialiste qui pourra vous aider davantage. Vendeurs internationaux en ligne : Bien que la disponibilité du Nembutal en France puisse être limitée, certaines personnes se tournent vers des vendeurs internationaux en ligne pour répondre à leurs besoins. Ces fournisseurs sont souvent basés dans des pays où les réglementations sont plus souples, ce qui r end apparemment plus facile l'acquisition de Nembutal. Nous sommes basés en Europe précisément en Belgique et en Suisse. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour plus de détails Précautions et mesures de sécurité Soyez conscient des produits contrefaits : Malheureusement, le marché en ligne regorge de Nembutal contrefaits. Nous vendons uniquement du Nembutal de qualité pharmaceutique de qualité supérieure avec peu ou pas d'effets secondaires. nous fournissons d'autres pilules anti-émertiques pour prévenir les vomissements. Nous nous assurons que vous obtenez la dose réelle dont vous avez besoin Conclusion Déterminer le coût du Nembutal en France ou en Europe en général peut être complexe, car des facteurs tels que la disponibilité, les restrictions légales et le contrôle qualité jouent un rôle important. Les prix peuvent donc fluctuer. Il est fortement recommandé de ne pas se fier uniquement au prix lors de la prise de décision concernant l'acquisition de Nembutal, car la qualité et la sécurité doivent toujours être les principales préoccupations. Nous expédions discrètement à n'importe quelle adresse donnée. Nous proposons différents moyens de livraison en fonction de votre adresse. Nous utilisons différents modes de livraison pour éviter les contrôles douaniers et les interceptions.
Jean Dugale
1:08am on 2 Oct 24 tyxhn5w2@duck.comdove posso acquistare Nembutal/Pentobarbital? Per aiutarti nelle tue missioni, noi siamo qui. Il nostro obiettivo è semplice: fornire assistenza. Contattaci tramite e-mail Il pentobarbital liquido e in polvere è necessario per questi sforzi. Fai attenzione alle sostanze contraffatte offerte da innumerevoli venditori di Nembutal online che hanno ricevuto reclami da parte dei clienti. Con noi, stai tranquillo sapendo che riceverai una qualità senza pari (grado farmaceutico) e una consegna sicura quando acquisti Pentobarbital. Cerchi metodi rapidi e nascosti per acquistare pentobarbital? Non guardare oltre le nostre soluzioni. Questi barbiturici versatili sono spesso impiegati come ipnotici, sedativi, anticonvulsivanti a bassi dosaggi e agenti di eutanasia, inducendo una depressione non discriminatoria del SNC. Cerchi il posto perfetto per acquistare ID pento85 o pentobarbital in polvere? Beh, non guardare oltre Roma! Questa città ha tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno quando si tratta di soluzioni per l'eutanasia. Napoli è nota per la vendita del farmaco, mentre l'Italia e i Paesi Bassi acquistano entrambi il pentobarbital sodico. Quindi fai di Roma il tuo sportello unico per tutte le tue esigenze di fine vita. Conoscenza Ho 25 anni o più e certifico di esserlo pienamente consapevole che i prodotti venduti su questo sito sono noti per essere molto letali. Per domande sull'acquisto di pentobarbital sodico, inviare discretamente un'e-mail a
Jean Dugale
1:07am on 2 Oct 24 pentobabs@duck{.}com Kaufen Sie Pentobarbital-Natrium legal in der Schweiz Kaufen Sie Pentobarbital-Natrium Deutschland Der rechtliche Status von Pentobarbital/Nembutal ist in Deutschland derzeit eingeschränkt. Im März 2017 entschied das Bundesverwaltungsgericht, dass das verfassungsrechtlich geschützte Recht auf Selbstbestimmung nicht das Recht einschließt, tödliche Drogen für den Suizid zu beschaffen und zu verwenden. Im Januar 2021 schlugen Abgeordnete des Deutschen Bundestages jedoch einen Gesetzesvorschlag vor, der unheilbar kranken Erwachsenen die Sterbehilfe ermöglichen soll, sobald sie über die Art und die Folgen ihrer Entscheidung umfassend aufgeklärt wurden. Während der rechtliche Status von Pentobarbital Nembutal in Deutschland weiterhin eingeschränkt ist, kann es daher einige Ausnahmen für todkranke Personen geben, die ihrem Leben ein Ende setzen möchten. Für diejenigen, die Pentobarbital/Nembutal in Deutschland kaufen möchten, sind Online-Quellen möglicherweise die am besten zugängliche Option. Beim Online-Kauf von Pentobarbital/Nembutal ist jedoch Vorsicht geboten. Einige Online-Quellen sind möglicherweise betrügerisch und verkaufen möglicherweise gefälschte oder gefährliche Medikamente, die schädlich sein könnten. Daher ist es wichtig, vor dem Kauf gründlich zu recherchieren und sicherzustellen, dass das Produkt von guter und standardmäßiger Qualität ist und nur bei seriösen Verkäufern wie uns einzukaufen. Beim Online-Kauf von Nembutal ist es wichtig, bestimmte Vorsichtsmaßnahmen zu treffen, um die Sicherheit zu gewährleisten. Es ist beispielsweise ratsam, eine sichere Zahlungsmethode zu verwenden und nur bei Quellen einzukaufen, die eine diskrete Verpackung und einen diskreten Versand anbieten. Darüber hinaus ist es wichtig, sich der möglichen Nebenwirkungen und Risiken bewusst zu sein, die mit der Verwendung von Pentobarbital/Nembutal verbunden sind, wenn man nicht über die richtige Einnahme informiert wird. Daher ist es wichtig, unsere Anweisungen zur Verwendung von Pentobarbital sorgfältig zu befolgen, um die erwarteten Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Jede Dosierung hängt von der Person ab und um Ihre tödliche Dosierung zu ermitteln, müssen wir Ihr Alter, Ihre Größe und Ihr Gewicht kennen. Bewusstsein Ich bin 25 Jahre oder älter und bestätige, dass ich voll und ganz dabei bin bewusst, dass die auf dieser Website verkauften Produkte gelten als sehr tödlich. Bei Fragen zum diskreten Kauf von Natriumpentobarbital Pentobarbital natrium Frankfurt kaufen, Pentobarbital Niederlande kaufen, Pentobarbital Finnland kaufen, Pentobarbital flüssig Europa kaufen, Nembutal Sodium Hamburg kaufen, Pentobarbital Sodium in Japan kaufen, Nembutal in Estland kaufen, Pentobarbital Nembutal in Finnland kaufen, #pentobabs@duck{.}com #Pentobarbital-Preis #Pentobabital/Nembutal #PentobarbitalDeustchland #PentobarbitalfürSelbstmord #PentobarbitalzurSterbehilfe #NebenwirkungenvonNembutal #PentobarbitalgegenDepressionen #Pentobarbitallösung
Jean Dugale
1:06am on 2 Oct 24 Pentobarbital voor zelfmoord, dodelijke dosis Nembutal, Pentobarbital voor pijnloze dood Pentobarbital is een krachtig barbituraat dat al tientallen jaren voor medische doeleinden wordt gebruikt. Door de veelzijdige toepassingen, van verdoving tot euthanasie, is het voor veel mensen een interessant onderwerp geworden. Het is echter van cruciaal belang om het juridische kader rond de verwerving van pentobarbital in Nederland te begrijpen. Dit artikel is bedoeld om een gedetailleerde en professionele aanpak te bieden voor het veilig en legaal verkrijgen van deze stof in het land. Optioneel kun je het discreet verkrijgen op Het juridische landschap begrijpen: In Nederland wordt pentobarbital onder de Geneesmiddelenwet geclassificeerd als een gereguleerde stof. Deze wetgeving is ingevoerd om de gecontroleerde distributie en het gebruik van medicijnen te garanderen voor de veiligheid en het welzijn van het publiek. Als zodanig moet elke aankoop of verwerving van pentobarbital voldoen aan deze regelgeving om mogelijke juridische gevolgen te voorkomen. Medisch gebruik en recept: Pentobarbital wordt voornamelijk gebruikt in medische omgevingen voor de behandeling van verschillende aandoeningen, zoals toevallen, slapeloosheid en anesthesie. Als u denkt dat u pentobarbital om een legitieme medische reden nodig heeft, is het van cruciaal belang om een gekwalificeerde zorgverlener te raadplegen. Zij kunnen uw specifieke behoeften beoordelen en indien nodig dit medicijn voorschrijven. De rol van euthanasie: In Nederland is euthanasie onder bepaalde omstandigheden wettelijk toegestaan. Dit geeft echter geen onbeperkte toegang tot pentobarbital. Euthanasie kan alleen door een arts worden uitgevoerd na een grondige beoordeling van de medische toestand van de patiënt en diens uitdrukkelijk verzoek. Pentobarbital is buiten dit proces niet beschikbaar voor persoonlijk gebruik, omdat het strak gereguleerd is onder strikte protocollen.? Strenge monitoring en controle: Vanwege het risico op misbruik is pentobarbital onderworpen aan strikte monitoring- en controlemaatregelen. Dit zorgt ervoor dat het veilig en op de juiste manier wordt gebruikt in medische omgevingen. Elke ongeoorloofde verwerving of gebruik van pentobarbital kan ernstige juridische gevolgen hebben. Het is belangrijk om je aan de vastgestelde regelgeving te houden en indien nodig professionele begeleiding in te schakelen. Als u problemen ondervindt, bieden wij alternatieve manieren om Nembutal #pentobarbital/nembutal #pentobarbitalsuicide #bestelPentobarbital #nembutalonline #pentobarbital voorzelfmoord #Pentobarbitalkopen #pentobarbitalnatrium #pentobarbitaloplossing #pentobarbital poeder #pentobarbital injectie
Alosa Manfred
4:24pm on 14 Sep 24 Hello everyone, I want you all to help me pray and thank Recovery Nerds for the good work done, without this honest firm I don't know how my life could have been today because my money was stolen by Bitcoins scammer who promise me a huge percentage if I invest with them but turn out to be scammers, but with the help of Recovery Nerds after I enroll my case with them and I followed their procedures, they swift to action and recover all my lost money including my supposed percentage from this scammers firm back to my wallet with in 24 hours and I gladly refer them to some one out there who needs this help too, email: mailus @ recoverynerds . com, They are good in their job..
Austin Mike
10:25pm on 31 Aug 24 Hello everyone. I was heartbroken because i had very small penis, not nice to satisfy a woman, i had so many relationship called off because of my situation, i have used so many product which i found online but none could offer me the help i searched for. i saw some few comments about this specialist called Dr OLU and decided to email him on or whatsapp him on this number +2348140654426so I decided to give his herbal product a try. i emailed him and he got back to me, he gave me some comforting words with his herbal pills for Penis t, Enlargement Within 5 day of it, i began to feel the enlargement of my penis, ” and now it just 2 weeks of using his products my penis is about 10 inches longer and am so happy..feel free to contact Dr olu All reactions:11 Hello everyone. I was heartbroken because i had very small penis, not nice to satisfy a woman, i had so many relationship called off because of my situation, i have used so many product which i found online but none could offer me the help i searched for. i saw some few comments about this specialist called Dr OLU and decided to email him on or whatsapp him on this number +2348140654426so I decided to give his herbal product a try. i emailed him and he got back to me, he gave me some comforting words with his herbal pills for Penis t, Enlargement Within 5 day of it, i began to feel the enlargement of my penis, ” and now it just 2 weeks of using his products my penis is about 10 inches longer and am so happy..feel free to contact Dr olu All reactions:11
Anita Wolverine
8:53pm on 29 Jul 24 I'm so excited that my husband and I are back together, after a long separation. Thanks to the great prophet Isaac who helped me get my husband back, with his powerful love spell. I got Prophet Isaac details from the internet and contacted him, he was so polite and very reasonable, he asked me a few questions and I answered him, he gave me instructions and I followed them, within 24 hours of doing what he asked, my husband called me and begged me to come back . Do not hesitate to contact him. He is real, reliable and can also be very trusted. Contact him via WhatsApp: +1 (757) 237-1724 or by email:, he is 100% efficient and reliable.
Grace Jake
4:58pm on 26 Jul 24 How I Recover back my 8.7BTC. I can’t stop thanking this guys for helping me recover back my money, My name is Salami Ali a young single mother. A few months back I was duped by a trading platform with the promise of making daily profits of 18%, which caught my attention to invest, I ended up losing over 8.7BTC to the trading platform. In process of recovering it back, I kept meeting fakes recovery expert, I was scammed multiple times, last year was indeed a terrible year for me, since then I have trouble taking care of myself as well as feeding my two 2year old kid nor was I able to pay off my bills. until I confide in a close friend of mine since things are becoming so difficult for me, she then introduced me to crypto recovery group of hacker that uses Rootkits Spammers top-notch known as Jamesmckaywizard, I reached out to them with the last hope I had left, their service is a little bit high but I was able to make a part payment with the help of my friend, their services is so smooth quick and super fast with good results, I was very happy as they successfully recovered back more than what I lost to those heartless scammers. It was indeed worth it, it was truly amazing. As I strongly advise anyone experiencing similar issue or who has fallen a victim to any scammer or anyone who has invested in a wrong platform like me, this guys are good with Recoveries and hacking of any range, do reach out to them if you're experiencing any of these to get back your hard earned money, Contact them on jamesmckaywizard at gmail dot com or WhatsApp +31622647750.Try them and thank me later. I can’t stop thanking this guys for helping me recover back my money..
Abigail Kelly
11:30am on 24 Jul 24 If not for Baba Powers what would my life turn out to be? I want you all to please contact Baba Powers now to get the powerful black mirror from him. I want you all to also BELIEVE AND TRUST HIM because whatever he tells you is the TRUTH and 100% guaranteed. The black mirror makes it happen, attracts abundance. I bought the black mirror from Baba Powers and now, I am super rich and successful with the help of the black mirror. When I first saw the testimonies of Baba Powers of the black mirror, I thought it was a joke but I contacted him to be sure for myself and to my greatest surprise, the black mirror is real. The black mirror is powerful. Check him out on his website to see plenty of amazing testimonies from people about him. These are some of the people that he has helped. Here is his website; and here is his email; I really can't thank you enough Baba Powers. God bless you, thank you
Abigail Kelly
11:30am on 24 Jul 24 If not for Baba Powers what would my life turn out to be? I want you all to please contact Baba Powers now to get the powerful black mirror from him. I want you all to also BELIEVE AND TRUST HIM because whatever he tells you is the TRUTH and 100% guaranteed. The black mirror makes it happen, attracts abundance. I bought the black mirror from Baba Powers and now, I am super rich and successful with the help of the black mirror. When I first saw the testimonies of Baba Powers of the black mirror, I thought it was a joke but I contacted him to be sure for myself and to my greatest surprise, the black mirror is real. The black mirror is powerful. Check him out on his website to see plenty of amazing testimonies from people about him. These are some of the people that he has helped. Here is his website; and here is his email; I really can't thank you enough Baba Powers. God bless you, thank you
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