Committee Roles

Thinking of running for the Committee? Or just interested in how every awesome activity we do gets organised? Then read on!


All Roles

All committee members attend fortnightly committee meetings to discuss and organise their plans for the club. They also all volunteer their time to make sure every trip and activity runs smoothly and safely throughout the year.



What: The Chair is in charge of overseeing all club activities, supporting the rest of the committee in their roles, liaising with the SU, chairing meetings, and organising Freshers, Christmas, and Summer trips.

Who: You should be organised, communicative, and good at delegation. Prior committee experience is all but essential!!



What: The Secretary arranges committee meetings, takes minutes at these meetings, and chases up on outstanding actions from past meetings. Also organises the club’s BMC insurance. This year they will also be responsible for welfare and inclusivity within the club; they are able to provide welfare support to club members including having knowledge of the different SU and Uni Advice & Support services available. A really important role that makes sure the club runs smoothly.

Who: You should be organised and a fast typer!! You should care deeply about the inclusivity of BUMC and Sport in Bath in general and the well-being of our members. SU Training is provided to help you with this role!



What: The treasurer keeps a track of the club’s budget, ensuring that we don’t run out of money, signing off expense claims, and agreeing on trip subsidies with organisers.

Who: You should have a good head for numbers and excel skills are very helpful.


Climbing Secretaries (2 positions)

What: Believe it or not, the Climbing Secs organise the club’s climbing activities! This includes bouldering tasters, teaching belaying and outdoor climbing, and organising trips such as Peaks and Font.

Who: You should be a keen climber with either a good level of technical ability already or a keenness to learn more skills and pass them on!


Walking Secretaries (2 positions)

What: The walking secretaries organise Sunday walks, and walking trips such as Dartmoor wild camp and help to run walking activities on other “big” trips like Freshers trip. You might also choose to teach navigation skills, organise scrambles, or winter mountaineering in this role.

Who: Someone who likes walking! Ideally, with good navigation and group management skills, scrambling skills are also beneficial but not essential!


Orienteering Secretary 

What: The Orienteering Sec is responsible for organising orienteering sessions, running trips to competitions, and continuing the growth of Orienteering within BUMC!

Who: Someone who likes orienteering and wants to get more people into the sport!


Social Secretary

What: The social sec is the party guru of the club! Organising the weekly pub trips, welcoming new members to the club, and organising bigger nights out, sober socials, and the Christmas meal!

Who: You should be a confident, social club member who enjoys socialising, welcoming new members to the club organising bigger events, and ruling the dancefloor! Drinking alcohol is definitely not a requirement.


Media Secretary

What: The media secretary ensures that the club’s website and social media are kept up to date. Publicising the club and its activities to potential and current members. This requires managing the club's Facebook page, Instagram account, and SU website, as well as responding to messages.   

Who: Someone who’s social media savvy, creative, and enthusiastic.


Gear Secretary

What: The Gear Sec is a bit like Gollum, found lurking underneath the parade in the gear store, feverishly collecting new shiny bits of gear, and hunting down anyone who dares not return borrowed kit... In other words, the Gear Sec maintains the club’s gear collection; by checking equipment is safe to use, arranging for people to borrow club gear and return kit, and buying new/replacement gear from the club budget.

Who: You should ideally have an existing knowledge of walking & climbing equipment and how to safely maintain it. 


Welfare and Inclusivity Officer

What: The Welfare and Inclusivity Officer is responsible maintaining and encouraging the friendly and welcoming atmosphere of the BUMC. They ensure that other committee members make their activities, trips and socials as inclusive as possible. They will also be a helping hand for other committee members. Key responsibilities will potentially include organising transport, trips, first aid qualifications, and BUCS. The exact role will depend on the rest of the committee/your skillset and will be defined at the first committee meeting of the year.

Who: You should be a friendly approachable person with imaginitive ideas of how we could be more inclusive. You should also have some knowledge of how the club runs (previous committee experience could be good but not necessary!) and be keen to help out!