URB at Bath

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University Radio Bath


University Radio Bath is our award-winning student-run radio station. There are many perks of getting involved with URB, and we’re here to run you through some of them.

We’re a social bunch:

URB is a great way to meet new people, make friends and make contacts that can help you with the future. With socials regularly occurring and great events run by URB, you will always have the opportunity to meet new people and get friendly.

Learning New Skills:

Joining URB will allow you to learn new skills and give you the opportunity to use new equipment and software. If you want to learn how to DJ, present your own radio programmes, produce your own show or write your own content for URB, then guess what – we have you covered!

Are you an Avid DJ?

In 2024, URB were assigned resident DJs at the SU, covering Wednesday night SCORE, Thursday night Mixology and Friday's FOMO! To get involved in any of these nights, come along to our DJ training sessions, socials or message us on Instagram! 

Broadening your Musical Horizons:

As a student radio station, we obviously love our music. All genres and all artists get the same love from URB. We host a wide range of shows on the station - from entertainment shows to programmes dedicated to specific music genres. URB allows you to experience an endless range of music and always keeps your musical taste up to date and occupied.

How to get involved?

So now that we’ve teased you with some of the perks (there are more, you have to get involved to discover them yourself), you’re probably wondering how you can get involved? Message @uniradiobath on Instagram, or email manager@uniradiobath.com. Otherwise, feel free to just drop by the studio (purple door located right next to the Market in SU) and say hi! 

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Media Membership

Ref: M10001470

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Price: £9.00

This membership product will give you membership to CampusTV, Bath Time and University Radio Bath.