Well done, you’ve got through the first selection round. Some employers are happy to do phone or virtual interviews. You can use the meeting rooms in the Virgil Building if you need a quiet space. Or you may be asked to go and meet them face to face.
Here are some tips for you to plan and consider when attending an interview:
- Know where the interview is taking place, and make sure you can find it.
- Leave plenty of time – better to be early than late.
- Take their contact details so you can call them in an emergency.
- Research their web pages so you know what they do.
- Be clear about why you want the job and what skills you’ll be bringing to their workforce.
- Practice the most obvious interview questions, such as what are your skills and attributes, how you will fit working in alongside your studies, why did you apply, how do you handle pressure, how do others perceive you, what do you know about our company?
- Answer honestly, and with as much information as possible – avoid yes/no answers.
- Dress smartly, smile and relax!
When you have been asked to go for an interview, make sure someone (housemate or friend) knows when, who and where you are meeting, and what time to expect you back. Always meet in a public place (ideally at the business, but a café is fine). You do not need to answer personal questions which make you feel uncomfortable (such as whether you have a partner or your political beliefs).
At the end of the interview you can ask when they will be making a decision, if there’s anything they want to know that hasn’t been covered in the interview and let them know that you are interested in the role (if you are!).