Who runs the club?

The committee is more than happy to answer any questions you might have about the club, our martial art or anything else you might want to ask, so don't be afraid to get in touch!

Our committee members for 2024/2025 are:

Social Secretary

Welfare and Inclusivity Officer

Kit Secretary




Chair: Joseph Barlier (jlmb20@bath.ac.uk)

Secretary:James Wright (jrw93@bath.ac.uk)

Treasurer:Mariner Barnes(mb2988@bath.ac.uk)

Social Secretary: Abi Parkinson(ap2984@bath.ac.uk)

Social Secretary:  Adele Richard(ar2653@bath.ac.uk)

Welfare & Inclusivity Officer: Jeta Gosalci(jg2739@bath.ac.uk)

Kit Secretary: Charlotte Haynes(ch2697@bath.ac.uk)


NOTE: You can also email us (su-jiujitsu@bath.ac.uk)