Every year we take a team photo. It's great to be able to look back on past photos of the whole team for each year!


Image may contain: 27 people, including Bryony Coombs, Lowie Cloesen, Conor Moffatt, Aidan Saxon, Josie Martin and Damon Chow, text


Our gymnasts of all levels are given the opportunity to compete. We host a competition aimed at beginners each year and attend competitions that other universitys up and down the country! There will also be an opportunity to compete at BUCS for those who want to.


Each year we get invited to take part in Dance Soc's anual show! This is great fun, gives people a chance to show off their skills and an opportunity to get to know everyone in the club better.


We have a tradition end of year human pyramid each year - so far everyone has made it down alive!


And we also do lots of fun socials! There's something for everyone, whether you like a night out, a trip to the trampoline park or a movie night. We're looking forward to seeing everyones costumes each week at Score and dressing up fancy for Snowball!