Annual Memberships

Those who have flown before university, or been on one of our trial days will have the opportunity to join as an annual member.  

With an annual membership, you will be able to fly unlimited times throughout the year. To go solo, you will need to do approximately 50 flights - with the cost of transport, flying and membership, it will cost around £1000. Though this seems like a lot, it is the cheapest opportunity you will ever have to learn to fly an aeroplane! 

Since there are a limited number of memberships to allocate, you will have to apply. We will ask about your previous flying experience and why you want to become an annual member. Don't worry if you have never flown before, you will still have a good chance of becoming a member - the current Chair of the club never flew before university and is now solo and Chair! We are after those who are willing to commit and put the time and effort in it takes to go solo. 

We don't want to put you off, but learning to fly is a considerable committment, both financial and time - so you need to be sure you want to put the effort in! A certain amount of committment will be expected for you to keep the benefits of being an annual member. 

If you have any questions about becoming an annual member, please don't hesitate to email us or send us a message on Instagram - @unibathgliding. 

Price List

The following table shows the current costs for Gliding with the University Club at Bath, Wilts and North Dorset Gliding Club.

For those unfamiliar with how gliding is usually costed - you pay for the cost of a launch (usually winch, sometimes aerotow) and then for every minute which you are in the air. The actual teaching is free. Instructors give up their time for free! This means, weather permitting, with a winch launch, you could get an hour's tuition for just over £25.

Launch Cost Winch £7.95
Aerotow (2000ft) £21.00
+100ft £0.75
Flying Costs (per minute) Two Seaters  £0.35 (£21 / hr)
Single Seaters £0.30 (£18 / hr)