Interactive Forms

You should normally manage your money using the eXpense365 App but sometimes you may not be able to do this. Instead, you can also manage your money using one of these interactive forms.

- Yellow Form - used for requesting reimbursements from your account if you cannot use eXpense365 (e.g. you've bought food for an event and need to claim back the money).

- Blue Form - used for transferring money within the SU (e.g. paying another group for a service they have provided).

- Orange Form – used for credit card and Amazon requests.

- Invoice Request - used for requesting an invoice that can be sent to another organisation. 

Please fill in these forms online and email to the appropriate place (e.g. Activities team for authorisation, or straight to the Finance Office -

If your Chair or Treasurer is unable to electronically sign the form, we will accept an email from them stating that they authorise the transaction instead of a signature.

Please note that some forms require further evidence such as receipts. Please attached photos or scans of this and attach to your email - just make sure you can read them!