Ad-Hoc Groups

Beyond large ensembles!

If you feel there is something missing from the already large and diverse ChaOS ensemble list, then there are opportunities for passionate musicians to start new ensembles. The constitution provides guidance on forming new ensembles within ChaOS.

Our members are welcome to start an 'Ad-Hoc' ensemble at any time of the year, provided they have enough interest from current ChaOS members. Typically a representative of the suggested 'Ad-Hoc' can request to present the proposal during a committee meeting. The committee will then vote on the idea and, if approved, provide support in setting up the new ensemble.

'Ad-Hoc' ensembles do not receive financial support from ChaOS and are not supported by the SU. Should an 'Ad-Hoc' ensemble become popular during the year, they may be promoted to 'supported' status by a two-thirds majority vote by the current committee. For example, the String Ensemble was started in 2013/14 by some enthusiastic string players as an 'Ad-Hoc' group after proposing the idea to the committee. Since then, it has been promoted to Supported Ensemble status and continues to grow in size year on year. Most recently, Bath Bellas was promoted to a Supported Ensemble in 2021.

If you are interested in starting an 'Ad-Hoc' ensemble or just interested in one of the existing groups, feel free to contact us by email:


Current 'Ad-Hoc' Ensembles

Clarinet Choir

Tuesdays 6:15 - 7:15 pm in the Ensemble Room - The Edge 

Clarinet Choir aims to provide more opportunities to clarinet players within the society. All clarinettists are welcome to join, regardless of experience, with repertoire chosen to suit the tastes and abilities of members.

For more information, please join our Facebook group.

We look forward to seeing many of you there! 

Baroque Ensemble

Wednesdays 1:30-2:30 pm in the Music Studio - The Edge

Chamber Orchestra

Wednesdays 6 - 7 pm in the Ensemble Room - The Edge

Chamber Orchestra aims to give players an opportunity to play chamber music, scored for fewer players to a part vs. what our University of Bath Orchestra covers. We play a range of music, mainly from the baroque and classical periods. Previous repertoire has included Mozart Symphony No. 40, Bach Brandenburg Concerto No. 4, and Schubert Symphony No. 5.

Currently we are welcoming: string instruments, flutes, oboes, bassoons, clarinets and french horns. We rehearse at 6-7pm on Wednesdays, just before Orchestra. Hope to see many of you there!

Flute Choir

Thursdays 6:15 - 7:15 pm in the Music Studio – The Edge

Flute Choir is one of the newer ChaOS ensembles and welcomes flautist of any ability and experience. We play a variety of music styles and are here to provide an opportunity for flautists to play and enjoy music together. All the music we play is chosen by their members, and we are always looking for new ideas, so if there is a particular piece you want to play just bring it along and we'll have a go!
If you want to find out more or want to join then please have a look at our Facebook group for more details.

Jazz Band

Thursdays 6:15-7:15 pm in the Ensemble Room - The Edge

The Thursday Jazz Band is for anyone who wants to just come along and play some jazz! Anyone is more than welcome to come no matter what instrument you play and it’ll be a great place to work on soloing or just playing some jazz tunes.