Welcome to Canoe Club!

Welcome to Canoe Club - on this site you will see all the important information including our trips, weekly training sessions socials, membership and contact details. We welcome both incoming and returning students. Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions!

Despite the name, we mainly go kayaking! 

What We Do

  • Pool sessions three times a week! Free for all members, coaching included!
  • Whitewater kayaking down spectacular rivers and artificial water courses.
  • Canoe polo training within the club and games against other universities (don't know what that is? Take a look here)
  • Socials - nearly every week we have a relaxed but fun opportunity to get to know other kayakers! Our usual highlights include Cheese & Wine Social, Army social and Pudding social! And of course, we're at Happy Hour every week.
  • Check out What We Do for a more detailed list of trips/events/competitions throughout the year!


What We Offer

  • Pool Sessions
    • We run 3 pool sessions a week in the STV Pool!
      • Mondays 9-10PM
      • Tuesdays 8-10PM (Canoe Polo)
      • Wednesday 9-10PM
      • Thursday 9-10PM
    • In addition to this, every three weeks on Thursdays, women and non-binary pool sessions are organised to go over core skills learnt in our main pool sessions - more detailed in the club calendar linked below.
    • These are free to attend once you have paid membership (and free for everyone during tasters). Coaching is available for all levels; from aqua-phobic beginners to hyper-aquatic Gurus.
  • River Sessions
    • We run these every Wednesday on the River Avon!  We'll provide boats, paddles and other paddling kit as usual (although you'll need to bring your own wetsuit/wet kit). Should be lots of fun, with plenty of tricks to learn and the chance to paddle over the famous Pulteney Weir! 
  • Socials
    • Open to everyone, these are a great time to cut loose and meet the club. Check our facebook group for details and times. Please contact our Social Sec if you want more details!
  • Trips
    • Rest Bay, our first beach trip, run at the end of the summer, a great opportunity to get a taste of a canoe club trip!
    • We are hoping to run a canoe polo trip open to all abilites early in the year.
    • We run plenty more trips throughout the year so check out What We Do for a more detailed list!
  • Happy Hour every Friday 4-8pm
    • Check our Facebook group for the weekly Happy Hour post and to find out where we will be each Friday! It’s our most regular social event, with no need to drink, a guaranteed sofa, and you can even bring along friends who don’t want to join (although we might try to change their mind...)

Use this Club Calendar to check up on all our events coming up, trips and socials alike and you can add them to your calendar!


So what are you waiting for... Become a member!!

  1. Check out our Facebook (Page and Group) and Instagram pages to get all the latest on trips, socials and sessions. You can also send us an email at su-canoe@bath.ac.uk or a message on our FB page if you have any questions about these, we're more than happy to help :)
  2. Come to a taster session at the STV pool (they’re super fun and chilled we promise!) Before you can start paddling you'll need to do a quick swim test* (100m and 5 mins treading water), but it’s quick and you’ll soon be in a boat. *accessibility requirements are considered for the swim test - please send us an email if you think you may need adjustments
  3. Buy the membership (just on the left!!). This year it's just £10! (SU Sports membership must also be bought for £30) Membership covers all pool and river sessions, socials and allows you to come on our legendary trips at a subsidised price. 


Our Committee


SWUPL Coordinator

Kit Secretary

Welfare and Inclusivity Officer

Coaching Secretary

Activities Secretary

Social Secretary


Transport Secretary

Trip Secretary

Vice Chair