Develop a Doctoral and a PGT student experience strategy and action plan to ensure an equitable experience for all students at Bath

Lead Officer: Zuber Lakhani, SU Postgraduate Officer

What is the issue about?

Developing a postgraduate student experience strategy (for both PGT and doctoral students) is crucial because these students face distinct challenges that are often different from those of undergraduates. Doctoral students, for example, often work independently on long-term research projects, which can lead to isolation, stress, and mental health issues. Meanwhile, PGT students typically have a more structured academic schedule but face intense workloads in a short time frame, creating pressure to balance academic, social, and career-related needs.

Ensuring an equitable experience means recognizing the diverse challenges these students face and providing tailored support that addresses those needs. Without a strategy to address these unique needs, there’s a risk of students feeling unsupported.

What are we asking the University to do?

We request the university to consult with students via The SU on their academic and recreational experience. Develop a strategy where feedback will be taken into consideration and, if possible, actioned in a timely manner to account for the short-term nature of PGT study. We are asking the University to establish a pre-arrival survey and focus on delivering the requirements as per the needs of PG students.

What will success look like?

1. Develop and implement an action plan shaped by student feedback to support Doctoral and PGT student experience.
2. Action plans address both term time and non-term time experiences, ensuring equitable access to support and opportunities for these students.
3. Develop evaluation criteria to measure increased student satisfaction, including within the Postgraduate Taught Evaluation Survey (PTES) and Postgraduate Research Evaluation Survey (PRES), as well as through in-year data gathering mechanisms.


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