Ensure the University follows through with previous commitments to the renovation of the SULIS club, including the proper instalment of new changing rooms and a climbing centre

Lead Officer: Olivia Warner, SU Sport Officer

What is the issue about?

The SULIS Club is a well-utilised club within our university. As of now, it is still used without changing rooms, as its renovation was paused, meaning students are unable to change into kit at the club. Many sports clubs have asked for changing facilities to return and have become ultimately frustrated by the delay in completion. The climbing centre has also been a facility the university has been saying it would provide, and this should also come into fruition, as students have to travel to Bristol to access climbing facilities. This climbing facility would be a good source of income for the university, as interest in bouldering and climbing is on a rise in young people.

What are we asking the University to do?

We are asking the University to repledge a comfortable amount[MO1]  of money to this renovation by the end of 2024, with renovation of the changing rooms to hopefully take place ready for the 2025/26 academic year and the climbing centre to be completed by the end of 2025.

What will success look like?

1. Increase in student sport satisfaction indicated in increased numbers of involvement with clubs who use SULIS.
2. Accessible changing rooms and showers made available by end of academic year 24/25.
3. Agreed timeline for roll out of climbing centre, suitable for mountaineering club sessions and generation of commercial income.


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