Improve career outcomes for postgraduate students by providing specialised employability resources and enhancing the visibility of career development opportunities

Lead Officer: Zuber Lakhani, SU Postgraduate Officer

What is the issue about?

Many PG students possess advanced skills but may struggle to effectively market themselves to potential employers. By providing specialized employability resources, such as tailored career coaching and workshops, the university can help these students translate their academic experiences into appealing narratives for employers. Considering that many postgraduate students are also international, it would also be useful to provide further guidance to support entrance to the job market.

What are we asking the University to do?

We acknowledge the fact that this area remains a top priority for the university as well, and therefore we ask the university to commit to providing specialized employability resources for better outcomes. This should include tailored career coaching (company-specific), workshops focused on skills, applicant tracking system (ATS) awareness, and support with developing interview skills. Organisation of PG-specific career fairs (both for Home and International students), alumni-led sessions and meetups would cater well to students' needs. Furthermore, we seek the university's commitment to regularly reviewing these initiatives through graduate outcome surveys and feedback mechanisms to ensure they effectively meet student needs.

What will success look like?

1. Implementation of a programme of specialised employability resources including tailored coaching and workshops that are highly rated by students.
2. Developing accurate evaluation criteria to assess PG student needs relating to employability and careers support.
3. Increased promotion and participation of PG career fairs and alumni-led sessions.
4. Develop a system for year-on-year student input into the shaping of a PG specific employability programme.


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