Bath University Model United Nations Society (BathMUN)  

2024-25 Welfare and Inclusivity Policy 

Inclusivity Statement: 

This document outlines how the society should ensure that it sticks to its core principles with regards to welfare, equality, diversity and inclusivity. Simply put, BathMUN is a place for everyone and must remain a kind, caring and welcoming place under all circumstances. We believe that people at feel welcome at MUN, they become better delegates and better themselves through our training sessions and conference trips. BelongAtBathMUN symbolises our intent to ensure that everyone is welcome and MUN and receives the support they need to become their best selves within the Model UN circuit. 

Table of contents: 

  1. Society Aims 

  1. Member Welfare 

  1. Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity 

Content of the Policy 

Society Aims: 

The following section will outline the general core aims of the society regarding EDI (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion). They are not listed in any particular order and should be given equal priority by the committee. 

  1. The society should aim to foster a rich and diverse culture of inclusivity.   

  2. The society should aim to be a safe and inclusive environment where all members of our community are welcomed, valued, and treated with dignity and respect. 

  3. The society should aim to respect the rights of individuals to hold different views and beliefs, while ensuring these differences are not manifested in a way that is hostile or degrading to other members of our society. 

  4. The society should aim to make all social events inclusive and available to a diverse range of students, following guidance outlined in this policy. 

  5. The society should aim to make all training events inclusive and available to a diverse range of students, following guidance outlined in this policy. 

  6. Discrimination cannot and will not be tolerated within BathMUN. 

  7. This society aims for respectful debate at all times and recognises that in the course of Model UN actives, views may be expressed that do not align with the personal views of members. Where this is the case members must act in a respectful manner in line with the code of conduct, sensitive topics policy and welfare and inclusivity policy. 


Member Welfare: 

This section is for the general advising of the committee. The society must aim to be always an inclusive and tolerant space. The committee must therefore place the welfare of the members and society as the core priority each year, to ensure the society continues year on year. The Welfare and Inclusivity or Social Officer should be trained under SU guidelines for dealing with signposting and support and aware of their responsibilities. 

Signposting resources can be offered to members through social media and initiatives to raise awareness and educate members. It should be made clear that the SU and the University provide different services and members can choose to suit their needs. 

  1. University of Bath @ 

  2. University of Bath @  

  3. Support and Report 

  4. Roper Centre (4W) Student Support 

  5. SU Bath Advice 

  6. SU Bath Disclosure 

  7. Academic Representatives 

  8. SU Bath Diversity Support Groups 

  9. SU Bath Peer Support Language Groups 

  10. SU Bath International Executive Committee 

  11. SU Drugs and Alcohol Support 

  12. Nightline 

  13. SU Bath Postgraduate Services 

  14. University of Bath Be Well App 

  15. Be Well Helpline 

  16. University of Bath Therapy and Counselling 

  17. University of Bath Disability Service 

  18. University of Bath Student Immigration Service 

  19. University of Bath Chaplaincy 

  20. University of Bath MoMENtum Group 

  21. University of Bath Autism Social Group 

  22. University of Bath Bereavement Social Group 

  23. University of Bath Social Prescribing Oppotunities 

  24. University of Bath Social Networking Group 

  25. University of Bath LGBTQ+ Support and Socialise Group 

While it is not the direct responsibility of the wider committee to be responsible for member welfare, we all have a shared commitment to ensure BathMUN is a kind and caring space. This might involve signposting, the following EDI initiatives and guidelines, or supporting members and friends through challenging times. 

Debates can feature triggering or complex topics which may causes members concern or are damaging to their mental health. All study guides and sessions should feature a content warning to members about topics that may come up. 


Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity: 

Inclusive culture 

  1. Ensure everyone has an equal opportunity to speak and take part in Model UN activities. Chairs should ensure that they are not biased when selecting delegates as this can reinforce harmful stereotypes and structures that exist in politicised spaces. 

  2. Avoid treating disabled people differently to abled people, this can be seen as patronising and would not be appreciated. When praising or recognising a disabled person at the society, ask whether you would be recognising them if they were abled. 

  3. Avoid the usage of catch all acronyms such as BME/BAME/POC to describe people of colour or non-white individuals. They can be dehumanising and seen as lumping everyone who isn’t white into one group. 


  1. BathMUN is a safe space for LGBTQIA+ individuals and should be a staunch ally at all times. We do not tolerate homophobia or transphobia in any circumstance. 

  2. BathMUN respects members chosen names and pronouns and should aim to stay accurate to members pronouns in all communications, outlined below. If you are not sure what pronouns someone uses, just ask them, and consider sharing yours. If you make a mistake, apologise, correct yourself, and move on. 

  3. The responsibility to educate individuals of marginalised causes should not fall on the marginalised communities. The committee should take the lead on raising awareness and educating members when topics that relate to marginalised communities. This includes topics that may be tabled for debate during a weekly sessions and should therefore be dealt with during the provided study guide or during individual instances where education may be valuable. 


  1. Ensure that debate venues and trips are accessible to all members. Accessable provides an accessibility map of the University of Bath to ensure that members can access on campus venues, off campus venues should be consulted with to ensure this standard is kept with. 

  2. Explain acronyms when first used in a document or post, such as Model United Nations (MUN). This is especially relevant to MUN as we use a variety of complex and lengthy acronyms to refer to committees. 

  3. BathMUN does not expect members to disclose if they are neurodivergent and will support them with signposting to university resources if they do.  

  4. BathMUN should be supportive of those with visual impairments and strives to make the society accessible. Alt text for images and accessible study guides will be outlined below. More resources such as accessible placards can be created if requested with consultation from the SU. 

Unconscious Biases and Discrimintation 

  1. BathMUN does not tolerate discrimination under any circumstances, this is highlighted in our code of conduct. This section pertains to avoiding structural discrimination from the committee and structure of the society, rather than isolated personal occurrences. 

  2. Stereotypes, both positives and negative, should not be reinforced at BathMUN. We should not expect delegates representing nations to reproduce stereotypes associated to nations for a more “faithful” experience. This is not only discriminatory but can also be harmful to members from those nations. Members should represent nations on policy grounds primarily. 

  3. Avoid applying unconscious or patronising biases towards disabled people. For example, consider whether you would congratulate an able-bodied person for the same thing. 

Inclusivity in Socials 

Socials should strive to be inclusive to all members of the society, in line with this policy. Below are key guidelines as defined by the SUBath to ensure this is aimed for. 

  1. Consider the frequency of alcoholic vs non-alcoholic events hosted each semester. Ensure that members who do not drink have as many opportunities to take part in society events as possible. 

  2. Consider the cost of all social activities, it is unavoidable that some socials may incur costs to members, but this should be limited. MUN is an expensive hobby to begin with, it should not also cost members to partake in society activates frequently. 

  3. Consider the language used in communication to members, this is further elaborated on below. 

  4. Consider the timings that society events are hosted at, mature students and postgraduate students have different timetables to undergraduates. 

  5. When discussing complex topics, consider using trigger warnings. This is further outlined in the sensitive topics policy. 

  6. Ensure that social venues are accessible to all those with disabilities. 

  7. Consider lighting and sound for any venue and whether there are quiet spaces members can use if needed. 

  8. Think about the way the society markets its events, ensure bold text and if needed alt text is included. 

  9. Hazing is completely unacceptable at socials and should not be conducted. 

Inclusive Language and Content Accessibility 

The following guidelines relate on the messaging the society should use when communicating with members. 

  1. Address members by the pronouns they introduce themselves with/use on a day-to-day basis, do not assume people’s pronouns. When it doubt, it is ok to ask. 

  2. Make the pronouns of the committee clear to members in communication, add their pronouns to email communications and social media. 

  3. Ensure all emails and communications are in easy to read and digest formats, using clear sans serif fonts in readable sizes. 

  4. Format your text to make it easier to read. 

  5. Use styles to highlight headings and create sections in your text that are easier to follow for screen readers. 

  6. Use contrasting colours for text and background. 

  7. White and Blue are the primary colours of BathMUN. Gold may be used as an accent colour to contrast. The shades of blue and gold are up to the committee’s social officer. 

  8. Left-align text to make it easier to find the start and end of lines. 

  9. Use bold to emphasise key points, rather than CAPITALS, italics or underlining. 

  10. Put full stops and the end of bullet points. 

  11. Add alternate text when adding pictures to your documents or webpages. 

  12. Use an accessibility checker - Microsoft has an inbuilt checker under the review tab.  

  13. Ensure key information in social media posts are included in the post graphic and the description. 

Underrepresented Groups 

The following is a list of groups the SUBath considers to be underrepresented, as of April 2024. BathMUN does not expect members to disclose whether they belong to or identify with any of the listed groups, but simply acknowledges that should be considered when running the society. 

  • BAME/BME/POC Students 
  • Care Leavers 
  • Disabled Students 
  • LGBTQ+ Students 
  • Student Carers 
  • Student Parents 
  • Female Students 
  • Non-Binary Students 
  • International Students 
  • First in family to go to university 
  • Estranged students 
  • Mature students