Theatre Events

The Edge is the main arts building on campus and where most of our theatre events are held. There are two theatres: The Edge Theatre and the Weston Studio. Our workshop is also located in the Edge, which we use to design and build sets for shows! We also do some events off campus throughout the year, so there's plenty of variety.

Backstage collaborates a lot with other arts groups like BUST (Theatre), BUSMS (Musicals), MusicSoc, and DanceSoc. We have supported musicals like Beauty and the Beast (2024) and Grease (2023), plays like The Life Machine (2024) and Blodeuwedd (2023), and lots of variety shows throughout the year. These theatre events range from one to four nights depending on the size of the event.

Just some of the roles you can get involved with in theatre include:

  • Lighting Design
  • Lighting Programming and Operation
  • Sound Design and Mixing
  • Stage Management
  • Deputy Stage Management
  • Stage Crew and Radio Mics
  • Set Design
  • Follow-spot Operation

Live Events

We support a number of live events throughout the year, the highlights being Freshers' Week and Summer Ball. These are some of the biggest events we are involved in (and you've probably already experienced some of what we do!). Throughout the year we support live events put on by the SU and other student groups, from Masquerade Balls to open-mics, award ceremonies to club nights.

With live events you can get involved with:

  • Stage Management
  • Lighting Design
  • Opping Live Lighting
  • Sound Design
  • Sound Mixing
  • Video Design and Opping
  • Stage Design