Student Reps is run as a partnership between the University and The Students' Union. This section contains all the information you need to know about Student Reps in one handy page. Jump to a section by clicking the links below:

The Role

Academic Rep

The primary duty of an Academic Rep is to ensure that they effectively collate and communicate the views of the students they represent, ensuring the feedback loop is closed by communicating the outcomes of this process back to their peers. They are expected to attend Student Staff Liaison Committee meetings to discuss local course issues with their tutors and programme leaders. 

Faculty Rep

Faculty Reps are the link between the Academic Reps and the SU Officers and represent the student voice.

What the Students' Union Does

Provides training and ongoing support to Academic Reps

The Students’ Union provides training to all Academic Reps which we call "Academic Reps 101". This includes information about their role, key skills, and extra opportunities. These sessions take place both physically and also online. Academic Reps who choose to become SSLC Chairs also have the opportunity to complete a specific e-learning module on chairing meetings.

Some of the topics covered within the Academic Rep 101 Training: 

  • How to be an effective representative - ensuring you bring the view of your cohort and not your individual view.
  • Meetings - Structures, etiquette, and expectations.
  • The wider rep role - What is expected and how to signpost students to support services for issues that fall outside of the role.
  • Offers ongoing help and support to Academic Reps.

Throughout the year we offer help and support for Academic Reps; this may be answering queries and helping with specific issues the Academic Reps are facing working on campaigns with students to tackling topics students want to address. 

Facilitates online election of Academic Reps

The staff in The SU set up and run the online elections to recruit Academic Reps.

Reward and recognition

The Students’ Union hosts an annual Education Awards near the end of the year academic year in collaboration with the University. Special awards are given out for outstanding achievements from Academic Reps and staff interacting with representation over the academic year. It is also a thank you to the Academic Reps who maintained the academic representation system that year.

Each month we pick a Rep of the Month who has been doing amazing things to make a positive impact on the student experience at the University of Bath. Both students and staff members can nominate a Rep whom they think deserves to win.

What the University Does

Promotes Academic Reps to their students

It is important that each course promotes the Academic Rep positions available on their course. The Students’ Union will do general promotion but it is vital that each course does specific promotion as well.

Facilitates SSLC meetings for Academic Reps

The University is responsible for organising the Student-Staff Liaison Committee meetings to which all the Academic Reps in the subject area should be invited. Mostly these happen four times a year.